Service Days & Times
Sunday Morning 10:30
Join us for our worship service & kids church for people of all age groups. We have a great team of teachers who take the children to the lower auditorium to have “Kids Church”, worshipping God in their own beautiful way. Simultaneously, the adults are having their church service upstairs in the main sanctuary. We have a wonderful team of ministers who each take a turn ministering one Sunday per month.
Tuesday Evening 7:00
Is our mid-week worship service for people of all ages. Our ministry team each take one Tuesday per month as their turn to minister. It gives us a wonderful diversity of ministry style, filled with anointed, spirit-filled preaching & teaching, from a wealth of Bible knowledge.
Saturday Evening 9:00
We have corporate prayer together via “Zoom” The link to get us on is:
It is case sensitive so it is better to copy and past to your browser to make sure it is right, and press enter. We would love to have you join us in prayer. It really enhances the unity and thus the awesome presence of God is evident in our services.